2 min readJul 18, 2023

A guide to Steganography: Hiding images in images using OpenStego


In this Article we will learn steganography using a free tool called “OpenStego"

Steganography is basically hiding an image or message or .txt file in an image

This link to this tool:

After downloading it make sure you have installed Java on your system

Link to download java:

Running OpenStego:

  1. Go to C disk on your system
  2. Choose program files
  3. Find OpenStego file
  4. Find the .jar file named OpenStego
  5. Run it

Performing Steganography in OpenStego:

  1. Choose a message file which you want to hide for example ( a .txt file containing your message or and image )
  2. After choosing a message file choose a cover file to cover it in another image for example ( An image )
  3. After doing these two steps choose a stego file It can be any document
  4. Now choose any password for example ( abc123 ) or of your choice
  5. After doing all the steps above now create an image or by clicking save button

A new image will appear in the directory you selected

Extracting message from files using OpenStego:

  1. In the left hand tab you will see an “Extract File" Button
  2. Click on it
  3. Choose the stego file and file
  4. Enter password you had choosen
  5. After extracting it you will find the message file in directory you have choosen

I hope you found this article helpful if yes then follow me for more helpful articles like this :D

This is my first article so I hope you found this helpful


Written by an0nbil

Bug Hunter | EHE certified | Python Beginner | HTML | Graphic Designer in the past :) | From Pakistan

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