A guide to Steganography: Hiding images in images using OpenStego
In this Article we will learn steganography using a free tool called “OpenStego"
Steganography is basically hiding an image or message or .txt file in an image
This link to this tool:
After downloading it make sure you have installed Java on your system
Link to download java:
Running OpenStego:
- Go to C disk on your system
- Choose program files
- Find OpenStego file
- Find the .jar file named OpenStego
- Run it
Performing Steganography in OpenStego:
- Choose a message file which you want to hide for example ( a .txt file containing your message or and image )
- After choosing a message file choose a cover file to cover it in another image for example ( An image )
- After doing these two steps choose a stego file It can be any document
- Now choose any password for example ( abc123 ) or of your choice
- After doing all the steps above now create an image or by clicking save button
A new image will appear in the directory you selected
Extracting message from files using OpenStego:
- In the left hand tab you will see an “Extract File" Button
- Click on it
- Choose the stego file and file
- Enter password you had choosen
- After extracting it you will find the message file in directory you have choosen
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